Who are they?!

Hello, my name is Celestin Dubin.

I am a recent graduate of animation from the Willem De Kooning academy in Rotterdam.

I am a director, producer, animator, and writer. I have gathered my experience through many curious ventures that have brought me to the strangest of places. I hope that my future career carries more unforeseen circumstances.

I enjoy overseeing and managing productions. Fully acknowledging that in the creative field you must give space to each individual. Making sure that everyone can sing in their role. Ensuring a symphony from production.

I am known to adapt people’s roles. once I get a feel for their personality and preferred skill. I do this to speed up production and increase work satisfaction.

The way I see it; An individual fits best into a role that compliments a combination of their skill and their creative wants.

What are my skills?

I can produce quality scripts at lightning speed.

I think on my feet and am quick to adapt to whatever the situation needs.

I can facilitate a great working environment.

I am skilled at motivating my coworkers and ensuring they feel involved.

I am a good communicator, making sure everyone is in the know.

Once a goal has been set, I will go far and wide to achieve it.

I am handy, and can do manual repairs.

What are my wants?

I wish to be challenged and have opportunity to grow and improve.

I wish to work together with dedicated individuals.

I wish to work together with a wide variety of individuals, widening my world view.

I wish to be introduced to a variety of working methods.

I wish to be happy and to have happy people around me.

I wish to make a positive impact on my local and global environment.